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Marko Ivanovic

Senior Software Engineer

With over 10 years of experience in wide spectrum of technologies. Professional and pragmatic. Passionate about AI.

Skilled in C++, C, Python, JavaScript. <3 Linux.

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Key Projects and contributions

Yandex browser (Chromium based)

  • Worked a long side very talented individuals to make our users happy, and company to earn more money, kept Yandex.Browser in sync with Chromium base, and maintained
  • Contributed to open source Chromium project
  • Technologies used: C++ (some Java, Kotlin, JavaScript, and Python)

NikaIPTV streaming cluster

  • Side project. Transformed abandoned, almost unmaintainable code, into profitable SaaS business with less bugs and more features, using all skills at my disposal and working under pressure. Learned to value users and business side of projects.
  • Technologies used: C, Linux, Node.js
  • We had about 20-30 B2B partners with about 40k active end users streaming video each day, at its peak.

Spectral Python

  • One of the major contributors to Spectral Python (machine learning and hyperspectral image analysis library).
  • Invented and contributed fastest algorithm (at least publicly available) for computing upper convex hull, applied it to computing continuum of spectral signatures.

Fun/toy projects


Toy operating system for x86 platform using C, NASM, and GASM.

A breath of fresh air in the ever expanding world of smart things.

  • Implemented features: bootloader, protected mode, memory paging, interrupts, preemptive multitasking, user-mode, demo user-space program with blocking sys calls and starting child program.
  • Syscalls: putc, puts, puthex, getc, fork, exit
  • Developed exclusively on hardware, no qemu or other emulation.


Lobachevsky State University Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation

  • MSc in Fundamental Informatics
  • September 2018 - June 2020
  • Thesis: Methods of processing and analysis of hyperspectral images
  • Received Red diploma (the equivalent of an Honours Degree in Russia)

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • BSc in Electrical Engineering
  • September 2011 - September 2016
  • Thesis: Unsupervised Feature Learning for Aerial Image Classification
  • Grade: 9.17 / 10